Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Ok, so I'm trying to find a way to make extra cash... I've got something big that I'd like to come up soon and it's going to cost a little over 9,000.00 dollars!!! I know insane but I think that life would be much awesome after and if I get this done... Ya'll are possibly trying to figure out, "What the heck is she talking about?" Well I was born with Microtia, so figure it out from there... I've started a savings with 200.00 and hopefully it grows much bigger from there on... I would bet he happiest camper in this entire world... I've been talking with friends and family about this and getting small donations is even helping some... I know it'll take a while to get all of the money and also I've got to get money to make two trips down to Virginia from Alaska!! How insane is that!!! I can do it!!! I'm actually excited and trying to push myself and keep myself going for this... Anyway that's my deal for the day!!

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